I am enough!

Those three simple words took me a very long time to believe. My past is filled with people who have denied me that understanding, including someone who claimed to love me while taking pleasure in destroying all my self-worth and confidence. This body of work are photos* of the physical parts of me that I do not love; parts that are too curvy or bumpy, parts that cause me pain or parts that make me grimace when I look in the mirror. But instead of focusing on the negative, I’ve placed them in direct contrast with aspects of my personality that I do love such as my loyalty and devotion to my friends and family. Placing these things in direct conflict of each other forces them into opposition, allowing me to push back the negative self-views and lies from the people of my past and declare that I am enough. Should this resonate with you, I am here today to tell you that, you too, are enough! We cannot let the broken people in our lives destroy who we are. We are enough just as we were made in all of our perfect imperfection. God has seen to that.

*This body of work has been reduced to the most innocent of photographs for the widest audience

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